Co-led by Klaus Wyser (SMHI) and Oyvind Seland (MET Norway)

This work package aims to examine the climate response and feedbacks related to the aerosol forcing as described in the FORCeS earth system models.

This will be conducted through:

1) analysis of the CMIP simulations exisiting at the beginning of the project and

2) new earth system model simulations using updated parameterisations, motivated by developments and constraints from work packages 1 to 4.

The specific objectives of this work package are to:
1) Analyse simulated climate response, feedbacks and sensitivities to aerosol and cloud forcing in earth system models

2) Quantify simulated responses to specific key processes and their effects in regional focus areas that contribute to the global response.

3) Improve the simulation of processes relevant for regional and global sensitivities.